1MBB Operation Hope

HOPE has set a goal of creating 1 million Black-owned businesses by the year 2030 and has provided a suit of services valued at $25,000 to each program participant. With access to Shopify’s robust e-commerce platform, personalized coaching, and training modules, Black business owners will be prepared with the knowledge and tools needed to increase wealth and provide impact to their communities. To join 1MBB or to become an organizational partner, visit www.hope1mbb.org. Great for future or current business owners: If you have dreamed about starting a Black business, or are a Black business owner, we can provide you with guidance…

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program

The purpose of the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) is to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops. Specialty crops are defined as “fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture).” The agency, commission, or department responsible for agriculture within any of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is eligible to apply directly to the U.S. Department of Agriculture for grant funds. Organizations or individuals interested in the SCBGP should contact their state department of…

Growing MI Business Grant Program

Just opened March 1, 2022 Eligible BusinessesIn order to be eligible to apply for business resources you must be one of the followingbusiness types listed below and not tax exempt, and not a government entity. Entertainment venues (includes the following): AuditoriumArenaBanquet HallCinemaConcert HallConference CenterPerfomrance VenueSporting VenueStadiumTheater Recreation Facility or Public Place of Amusement (includes the following): Amusement parkArcadeBingo hallBowling aleyCasinoNightclubSkating rinkWater parkTrampoline parkCosmetology or Barber Service*Exercice Facility/Gym*Food Service Establishment*Nursery Dealer or Grower*Athletic Trainer*Body Art Facility*Hotel or Bed & Breakfast* *Detailed definitions related to all eligible business categories and additional eligibility requirements canbe found at www.michigan.gov/abr Information RequirementsBusinesses will need to…

SBA 7(a) Loan

What is a 7(a) loan?  The 7(a) Loan Program, SBA’s most common loan program, includes financial help for small businesses with special requirements. This is the best option when real estate is part of a business purchase, but it can also be used for:  Short- and long-term working capital Refinance current business debt Purchase furniture, fixtures, and supplies  The maximum loan amount for a 7(a) loan is $5 million. Key eligibility factors are based on what the business does to receive its income, its credit history, and where the business operates. Your lender will help you figure out which type of loan is…

FedEx Small Business Grant Contest

FedEx hosts an annual contest to award grant funding to deserving small businesses. This is the tenth year for the contest. This year, the initial application period goes from February 10-28. Businesses with 100 employees or fewer are eligible to apply. The application process requires signing up for a FedEx account, writing a company bio, and uploading photos and videos. After that, a top 100 businesses will be selected. And a public voting period will determine the ultimate winners. A grand prize of $50,000 will go to three winners. And seven first place winners will receive $20,000, along with other prizes. All…

National Association for the Self Employed (NASE)

Apply for a business development grant from the NASE worth up to $4,000! Growth Grants are awarded at the sole discretion of the NASE. Unfortunately, not everyone who applies will receive a grant. The NASE has the sole discretion to make no grant or present a higher or lower amount than requested. The NASE in its sole discretion may award less than the totals indicated to be potentially available. The NASE will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. Decisions of the selection committee are final and are not subject to appeal. No…

Ideas Cafe Grant

The 19th Small Business Grant will award $1,000 in cash, a total of $1,500 in advertising credits and tons of free publicity. No matter whether your business idea is ground-breaking or a simple, but yet creative solution to an everyday problem, we would like to hear about it. If you plan on expanding your business, start a new project or just want to live out your dreams, enter the competition - your business deserves to be the next big thing. Entering is easy and takes just minutes. In less than 1,000 words or in a short video you will have…

State Trade Expansion Program (STEP)

STEP provides financial awards to state and territory governments to assist small businesses with export development. Information for small businesses The STEP grant program has helped thousands of small businesses obtain grants and find customers in the international marketplace since 2011. Through awards to U.S. states and territories, STEP helps small businesses overcome obstacles to exporting by providing grants to cover costs associated with entering and expanding into international markets.   STEP financial support helps U.S. small businesses: Learn to exportParticipate in foreign trade missionsDesign international marketing products and campaignsSupport website globalization and e-commerce capabilitiesPay for subscriptions to services provided by the U.S.…

Amber Grants for Women

Business women from California (and all around America) have won this monthly $10,000 grant in our 20-year history.  And our judges are days away from awarding this month’s winner – so right now is the perfect time to apply.  Best of all:  If you win 1 of the monthly Amber Grants, you’re automatically eligible for the year-end Amber Grant ($25,000). So, telling us about your business and future dreams could land you $35,000 in grant money. Just imagine what that would mean for your business. Apply now for Amber Grants for Women Application hints: Speak From The Heart Applying for the Amber Grant is easy. Don’t try to “sound corporate.”…