Operation Hope


Operation HOPE’s team of dedicated Small Business Coaches are here to help you identify and address the issues you may face in starting or growing your business and can assist you in developing a plan to help you achieve your business goals.  

Our dedicated team of coaches can help entrepreneurs and new or existing small business owners identify their key needs and then provide the education, coaching and connections needed to improve their businesses. 

By offering small business group education sessions, small group coaching, and individual/personalized coaching, we can help you master business basics, create and maintain a strong business plan, as well as gain access to funding and resources to grow your business.

Aspiring Small Business Owners:

If you dream of starting a business, but obstacles like lack of access to business loans, limited business knowledge  or poor credit have hindered you, our small business coaches can help you get started.

Existing Business Owners:

As a small business owner, you face many challenges which can threaten your ongoing operations or hinder your ability to grow. Our Business Coaches can help you if you have limited business knowledge, financial records that are not where they need to be or don’t exist, challenges in attracting and retaining customers, competitive pressures, supply chain issues, technology limitations, and lack of access to business loans  for improving your operations or growing your business.

Black Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners:

If you are a Black entrepreneur or existing small business owner, we have created a specialized business assistance program, 1MBB, which is designed to help you navigate the additional challenges facing Black business. Learn more about 1MBB here.

For all other entrepreneurs and small business owners, the small business development program works like this.

We sum up what we do with three words: Educate, Coach, Connect.


Through group education session(s), a Small Business Coach teaches you the information you need to know to support your business or create a business from an idea.


In a series of individual coaching sessions, a Small Business Coach will give you opportunities to practice what you learned in the group education session(s). The coach will follow a process of teaching you how to improve your business skills, guiding you through steps of your journey and then continuing to support you as you do it on your own. In addition to individual coaching sessions, we offer small group coaching sessions for people who want additional practice or to more deeply explore a specific topic. These sessions are about skill building on topics covered in group education and provide you with additional opportunities to gain in-depth knowledge in key areas.


As you work with your Small Business Coach, there will be times you will need or want more or different resources, information, introduction to a bank or any number of connections to help outside of Operation HOPE. Your coach will connect you to what you need as a part of their relationship with you.