Prospera small-business grants

Prospera has been helping Hispanic entrepreneurs start new businesses in Florida since 1991. This nonprofit economic development organization works with new and existing Hispanic business owners to help ensure they have the tools and resources needed to succeed. Prospera grants are awarded on an individual basis and provide for professional services related to legal and accounting assessments, business plans, QuickBooks consulting, marketing plans and brand kits at no cost to the business owner. Prospera helps Hispanic entrepreneurs for free, at any stage of business, from idea to growth. Bilingual services tailored to the unique needs of Hispanic business owners can…

Binc Foundation emergency financial assistance grants

The Binc Foundation awards small-business hardship grants to bookstore owners, booksellers and comic store owners who have unforeseen emergency financial needs. To qualify, you must be located in the U.S. or one of its territories and have experienced a qualifying event, such as a natural disaster, man-made disaster, serious medical expense or domestic violence, among others. Do I Qualify? Binc helps bookstore owners, booksellers, and comic store employees and owners with unforeseen emergency financial needs. The Foundation assesses each request to determine how best to provide relief. If approved, grants are typically paid to third-party vendors. Example Qualifying Events Domestic…

Brooklyn Brewery $10K Grant

Brooklyn Brewery is awarding $10,000 grants to celebrate individuals who embody Brooklyn’s creative, entrepreneurial spirit and help bring their visions to life. Five innovators will be awarded across categories including Food & Drink Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Arts, Music, and Activism. Winners will also receive a one-on-one session with their category’s judge and a trip to New York City for an awards ceremony, and have their work featured on Brooklyn Brewery's platforms. Applications are open until December 31; applicants must be 21 or older and either U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents. Whether your space is a kitchen, a workshop, a studio, or…

Comcast Rise

Comcast Rise is a small-business grant program that focuses on promoting business growth, particularly in the area of technology. The program awards small businesses with a $5,000 grant, business consultation services, education resources, creative production, media schedules and technology makeovers. Comcast RISE is committed to supporting the growth of all small businesses, while advancing the objectives of diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as community investment. The program is built to help businesses and their communities thrive with a focus on economic growth. In 2024, Comcast RISE awarded 500 recipients in five cities with a grant package that includes business…

DoorDash Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund

Restaurants that have experienced a natural disaster may be able to get a small-business recovery grant from the DoorDash Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund. This program offers $10,000 business grants to brick-and-mortar restaurants that have been impacted by a federally or state-declared disaster, such as a wildfire, hurricane or earthquake. To qualify, you’ll also need to have three restaurant locations or fewer, 50 or fewer employees, been in business for at least six months and made $3 million or less per location in the last year. Applications are accepted on a quarterly basis but they must be submitted within 12 months…

Etsy Emergency Relief Fund

Etsy partners with the nonprofit organization, CERF+, to provide its sellers with financial relief after they’re affected by a disaster. To qualify for this small-business hardship grant, you’ll need to have experienced a federally declared natural disaster within the last year, as well as have had an active Etsy seller account in good standing for at least one year. Etsy Emergency Relief grants are available in amounts of $2,000. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and funds are issued quarterly. Helping Etsy sellers rebuild after disaster strikes Etsy is committed to helping our creative entrepreneurs recover when disasters disrupt…

Start.Pivot.Grow. Micro Grant

The Start.Pivot.Grow. Micro Grant provides $2,500 in non-dilutive funding to small businesses for essential expenses like rent, inventory, or marketing. Open to U.S.-based, for-profit companies with at least two years of operation, eligible applicants must generate $50,000+ annually and have no more than two employees, including the owner. Winners will also receive a Digital Business Growth Planner and Prep My Loan Planner to support their development. Grants are awarded quarterly, with applications accepted on a rolling basis. Their $2,500 quarterly micro grants provide non-dilutive funding, meaning you don't have to give away a portion of your business to get the financial support…

Secretsos Small Business Grant

The Secretsos Small Business Grant program awards $2,500 to businesses on a quarterly basis. Businesses can use the funds in any way they see fit to grow and improve their operations. To qualify, you must have a legally registered business entity and fall into one of the following categories: denied or don't qualify for a bank loan, women-owned business, veteran-owned business, minority-owned business or located in an economic development zone. The grant is not available to business owners located in Hawaii, Alaska, New York, Florida or Rhode Island. Applications for this cycle are open until Dec. 31 annualy. If you…

GoFundMe Small Business Relief Fund

GoFundMe’s Small Business Relief Fund will match $500 grants to qualifying small businesses that have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 and raise at least $500 through a GoFundMe campaign. The fund is backed by GoFundMe and corporations like Intuit QuickBooks, Yelp, GoDaddy, and Small business owners with existing campaigns can add the hashtag #SmallBusinessRelief to their campaign and fill out this form to confirm their business. Source:

The Blueprint Medtech Small Business Translator Grant

This is a government grant for small businesses working on creating medical devices to treat nervous system disorders. It supports activities like making prototype devices, safety testing, and clinical studies to get approval from the FDA. The grant is a cooperative program where the NIH helps plan and monitor the research. It also provides funding and access to experts for things like regulations, patents, and manufacturing. Small businesses with their device ideas or collaborations with manufacturers can apply for this grant to advance their projects. The deadline to apply is September 27. The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to…