Main Street America by American Express

More than 300 grants of $5,000 each will be awarded in four cycles over 12 months to small businesses located in older or historic commercial districts across the country, with priority given to businesses that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and preference given to businesses owned by underrepresented groups, including members of the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, Veterans, women and people of color.

What types of businesses are eligible?

Businesses must meet the following criteria to apply:

  • The business must be at least 51% owned, operated, and controlled by small business owners who identify as Native or Indigenous, Hispanic or Latinx, LGBTQ+ or as immigrants, refugees or forcibly displaced.
  • The business must be a business entity in good standing in the state in which it was formed and the state in which it does business.
  • The applicant’s business has a “brick-and-mortar” location and operates in an older or historic main street, downtown or commercial district in the United States or U.S. territories — businesses in strip malls, residences, and shopping malls are not eligible for this grant program.
  • The applicant’s business employs 20 or fewer full-time employees, including the owner.
  • The applicant’s business has been in operation since January 1, 2021.
  • The applicant is an owner of the business and is 18 years of age or older.

What types of grant expenses are eligible?

Eligible grant expenses include but are not limited to:

  • Physical improvements to business space to meet relevant reopening requirements implemented because of COVID-19.
  • Equipment to comply with public health and safety guidelines (i.e., touchless payment methods, automatic door open sensors, or disposable menus).
  • Fees associated with expanding the business to e-commerce sales.
  • Other professional services, such as business plan modifications.
  • Rent, payroll, and other operating expenses.

Inclusive Backing Small Business Grant Program Frequently Asked Questions

When is the application open? How can I apply?
Applications will be accepted beginning at 9am CT on May 31 to June 3 annually.

Who should be filling out this application?
This application is designed to be completed by the business owner. If someone is assisting the business owner in the physical completion of the application form, please be sure to include their name and email address in the application when asked. This will ensure this person also receives updates and information pertaining to this program and your application.

Eligibility Questions

What businesses are eligible for Cycle 4?
The fourth grant cycle will provide grants to businesses owned by small business owners who identify as Native or Indigenous, Hispanic or Latinx, LGBTQ+ or as immigrants, refugees or forcibly displaced.

My business is not owned or owned in part by small business owners who identify as Native and Indigenous, Hispanic and Latinx, LGBTQ+ or as immigrants, refugees or forcibly displaced. Can I still apply to Cycle 4?
No. The fourth grant cycle will provide grants to businesses owned by small business owners who identify as Native or Indigenous, Hispanic or Latinx, LGBTQ+ or as immigrants, refugees or forcibly displaced.

To learn more about future cycles and grant programs your business might qualify for, please consider adding your email to Main Street America’s small business mailing list to receive Main Street America small business grant updates right to your inbox.

My business is in a strip mall, residence, or shopping mall. Is my business eligible?

No. For this program, businesses must be in an older or historic main street, downtown, or commercial district. We define this as a contiguous commercial district with businesses and mixed-use buildings along a commercial corridor. This does not include businesses in strip malls, residences, or shopping malls.

My business is outside of the United States or U.S. territories. Can I still apply?
No, businesses must be in the United States or U.S. territories.

I own multiple businesses. Can I apply for more than one?
Please only apply for one business.

Are nonprofits eligible?
No, nonprofits are not eligible.

Are franchises eligible?

No, franchises are not eligible.

Are sole proprietors eligible for the grant?
Yes, sole proprietors or business owners with no employees are eligible to apply.
I applied to the Inclusive Backing Small Business Grant Program in Cycle 1, Cycle 2, and/or Cycle 3.

Can I apply for this round or future rounds as well?
If you meet the eligibility criteria for any additional cycle, you may apply again for an Inclusive Backing grant.

I received an Inclusive Backing Small Business Grant in a previous cycle. Can I apply for this round or future rounds as well?

No, you may not apply again for an Inclusive Backing Small Business Grant.
I have a business that started prior to January 2021, but we opened our brick-and-mortar location after January 2021.

Am I still eligible for the grant?
Your business must be able to provide financial information about sales since at least January 1, the previous year. If you were operating before January 1, the previous year, and can provide financial information dating to that time, you are eligible to apply.

Do I have to be a member of Main Street America to apply?
No, you do not have to be a member to apply.

My business employs a mixture of full-time and part-time employees. How does the requirement that the business employ 20 or fewer full-time employees, including the owner, apply to me?
If you employ a mixture of full-time and part-time employees, calculate the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) hours for all of your employees. FTE hours are an employee’s scheduled hours divided by the employer’s hours for a full-time workweek. If the FTE hours for all your employees is fewer than the equivalent of 20 full-time employees, your business is eligible.

Application Questions

Can I save a draft of my application?
Your application will auto-save as you move through the form on our application platform, Submittable. You can save a draft within the application submission platform, but we strongly encourage you to also save your application in a separate document as back-up.
I can’t log into my application, or I’m having other technical issues. Please contact Submittable (the company that hosts our application) for help logging into your account or if you have any other technical issues. You can find answers to frequently asked questions about using Submittable here. You can contact Submittable customer support here.

How will I know if my application has been submitted?
Once you hit “submit,” you will receive an email notification from Submittable notifying you that your application has been received. Automatic emails from Submittable occasionally get caught in spam filters, so please check your junk folder.

Can I change my application once it has been submitted?
You cannot make any changes to your application once it has been submitted.

What does it mean to operate “in an older or historic main street, downtown or commercial district in the United States or U.S. territories”?
We define an “older or historic main street, downtown or commercial district in the United States or U.S. territories” as a contiguous commercial district with storefront businesses and mixed-use buildings in a city or town’s commercial corridor or downtown. This does not include businesses in strip malls, residences, or shopping malls.

When will I be notified about the status of our application?
We will notify all applicants about the status of their submission in July, via the email provided in your application. Be sure to check your email regularly, including your junk folders.

Do grant funds need to be repaid?
No, grant funds do not need to be repaid. However, all taxes associated with the acceptance and/or uses of cash awarded are the sole responsibility of the individual grantee. Cash awarded will be reported by Main Street America to the IRS as Main Street America deems necessary according to applicable law. It is further the policy of Main Street America that all grantees be advised to consult with their own tax professionals and/or legal counsel to ascertain the tax impact of the cash awards.