Dream Big Awards

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is proud to recognize the very best in American small business.

Every year at The Big Week for Small Business, the Dream Big Awards program honors the achievements of small businesses and highlights their contributions to America’s economic growth.

The Small Business of the Year award winner will receive national recognition and a $25,000 cash prize!

Official Rules of the Dream Big Awards

Eligibility for Application:

To be eligible to apply for the Dream Big Awards, an applicant must:

  1. Be a legal resident of the continental United States.
  2. Be a for-profit business operating for at least one (1) year primarily within the United States.
  3. Have less than 250 employees or gross revenues of less than $20 million for each of the past 2 years.
  4. Agree to all of the Award Rules, including potentially attending the virtual Dream Big Awards ceremony.

Employees, officers and directors of Sponsors and any affiliated entities, and their respective immediate families (parents, spouse, children, siblings) or individuals residing in their household (whether or not related) are not eligible applicants.

Entry Procedure:

Applicants may complete the entry form at https://dreambig.awardsplatform.com/.

Third parties (Third-Party Referrer) may refer applicants for entry. Referrals may be made by using the referral form at URL beginning March 21 (Third-Party Referral). A Third-Party Referrer may be any local or state chamber of commerce, trade organization, or the general public and/or other interested parties. A Third-Party Referral is not required for a business to enter the Dream Big Awards. A Third-Party Referral will be valid only if the form is fully completed and submitted online any time before 11:59pm EDT on June 17. 

Upon receipt of a Third-Party Referral, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce will contact the business being referred and send them information on how to apply to the Dream Big Awards. 

Applicants must submit their entry before 11:59 pm EDT on July 8.

Criteria for Selection of Finalists:

As described below, a Selection Committee, including representatives from U.S. Chamber of Commerce staff, will choose twenty-seven (27) Finalists from among all eligible applicants.

  • For round 1: A panel of judges will select a first round of eligible semi-finalists in consideration for each Business Achievement Award and the Dream Big Small Business of the Year Award from all entries received.
  • For round 2: A second panel of judges comprised of U.S. Chamber staff and academia and industry experts will select twenty-seven (27) Finalists, three for each Business Achievement Award category and three (3) for Small Business of the Year, in consideration for each of the eight (8) Business Achievement Awards and the Dream Big Small Business of the Year Award.
  • For round 3: A final judging panel comprised of industry experts will select one (1) finalist as the winner of each Business Achievement Award and the Dream Big Small Business of the Year of Award.

The criteria the Selection Committee will use to evaluate eligible applicants to select the twenty-seven (27) Finalists are the eligible applicants’:

  • Business growth and performance
  • Business strategies
  • Community engagement and relations
  • Corporate citizenship
  • Customer relations (acquisition).
  • Customer relations (retention)
  • Innovation in business  

Odds of being named a Finalist depend on the number of eligible applicants received on or before July 8.

Finalists, and their Third-Party Referrers (if any), will be notified on or before October 1, through the contact information provided in the application. Finalists may be asked to submit additional information for their application.

Selection of Dream Big Award Winners and Runners-Up:

Finalists are encouraged to attend the Dream Big Awards ceremony, and must confirm and supply information as to their qualifications, and otherwise abide by the terms and conditions of the executed Award Rules. In addition, each Finalist must submit photos of their business and a headshot of the business owner.

The Small Business of the Year winner must be present at and participate fully in the virtual Dream Big Awards ceremony .

Each Finalist will provide a video recorded and/or written interview that includes various photographs to be furnished by each Finalist, which will be used to create profile videos to be posted on https://www.uschamber.com/co and used during the virtual Dream Big Awards Ceremony.

The Small Business of the Year Award Winner and all finalists will be announced at a virtual ceremony hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in the fall of 2022. A finalized date for the ceremony will be announced during the summer of 2022.  


The following prizes will be awarded to the winner of each Business Achievement Award category:

  1. One-year paid U.S. Chamber of Commerce membership (valued at $250).
  2. Recognition and award presentation during the award ceremony.
  3. Will be featured in an article on CO—.

The following prizes will be awarded to the winner of the Dream Big Small Business of the Year Award:

  1. A $25,000 cash prize.
  2. One-year paid U.S. Chamber of Commerce Membership (valued at $250).
  3. Promotional video played during the award ceremony.
  4. An article on CO— featuring the winner.

The Small Business of the Year Award winner will be responsible for all federal, state and local taxes that may be applicable.

General Rules:

All applications must be submitted online. Only those applications submitted through the online application process provided on URL will be accepted. This application process will take place through Award Force (https://dreambig.awardsplatform.com/). Applications received by any other means will not be considered. No application can be amended or withdrawn after July 8. Neither Sponsors nor their parents, affiliated entities or agents are responsible for any illegible, lost, stolen late, damaged, incomplete, mutilated or misdirected applications or other documents. Applying party and applicants are responsible for ensuring proper contact information has been submitted and is maintained throughout the Award contest to allow communications about the Award contest.

Erroneous or false information provided in the application will result in immediate disqualification of the applicants. Sponsors and the Selection Committee otherwise retain the right to disqualify any applicant in their sole discretion.

If, for any reason, the Award contest is not capable of running as planned, Sponsors reserve the right in their sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest at any time.

By creating an application, or by being an applicant, you understand that there is no joint venture, partnership, employment or agency relation between you and Sponsors arising from any application, Prize or Award.

The Small Business of the Year Award winner is responsible for payment of all applicable local, state and federal taxes.  The Small Business of the Year Award winner will be required to submit taxpayer identification information and any other information required for the reporting of any Award, Prize Pack or other payments made as Prizes or Awards as part of this contest.

The decisions of the Selection Committee are final, and applicants and Finalists specifically agree that the decision of the Selection Committee and any decision of Sponsors is not subject to review or appeal in any forum whatsoever, including courts of law.


Any information provided as part of this Contest is provided according to the website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, as they may be amended from time to time, and as otherwise provided for in these Rules.

By making a application or being an applicant, you agree on behalf of yourself and each of your respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, agents, successors and assigns (“Releasing Party”) to the Award Rules and the decisions of the Selection Committee and Sponsors, as applicable, and any affiliated entities or persons, and by making an application or being an applicant, you release, defend and hold harmless Sponsors, and their affiliates, advisors, agents, licensees, and any social or other media used for the Award, and individuals on the Selection Committee, and any of their respective officers, directors and employees as applicable (“Released Parties”), from any and all causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, covenants, contracts, controversies, promises, lost profits, indirect or direct damages, consequential damage, incidental damages, punitive or exemplary damages, judgments, claims and demands whosoever, in law, or equity, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, which any Releasing Party has or may ever had, now or hereafter, arising from or related to the Award contest, these Official Rules, any application materials, including but not limited to any use or non-use of any application materials, delivery, misdelivery, acceptance, possession, attendance at, travel related to, misuse, and/or use of or inability to use, any Prize, or technical or other failures of any kind.

The sponsors of this contest are:

200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166

1615 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20062