Chico Small Business Grant Program

Butte Business Stabilization Program II

In an effort to offset the impacts of COVID-19 on local businesses, both the County of Butte and the City of Chico have allocated American Rescue funds to support local business stabilization through the implementation of the Butte Business Stabilization Program II (BBSPII).  Eligible businesses within the city limits of Chico with 100 or fewer full-time equivalent employees will be able to apply for grants of up to $10,000.

Grant funds may be used to cover business operational expenses that put the business at risk of closure or layoffs. 

Examples of eligible uses include:

  • Commercial rent/lease
  • Commercial utilities
  • Increased supply costs
  • Back employee wages
  • Fixed costs related to the creation of new jobs and retention of existing jobs

**Applications will be accepted May 2, 2022 – May 20, 2022**

Start your application online