1MBB Operation Hope

HOPE has set a goal of creating 1 million Black-owned businesses by the year 2030 and has provided a suit of services valued at $25,000 to each program participant. With access to Shopify’s robust e-commerce platform, personalized coaching, and training modules, Black business owners will be prepared with the knowledge and tools needed to increase wealth and provide impact to their communities.

To join 1MBB or to become an organizational partner, visit www.hope1mbb.org.

Great for future or current business owners: If you have dreamed about starting a Black business, or are a Black business owner, we can provide you with guidance on how to get started or revitalize your business. Using a combination of proven business development curriculum (both online and in virtual workshops), a dedicated group of professional small business coaches, and an expanded team of 1MBB volunteers who are industry experts in areas like e-commerce, legal services, accounting, marketing and public relations, we can quickly connect you to the training and technical assistance that will help you succeed.

The organization helps with things like: Business plans, 1:1 coaching, entrepreneurship training, shopify (free for 120 days).

Business Plan: The HOPE Business Plan Builder is an online, self-paced 7 module program that explores topics such as market research and development and financial planning.

1:1 Coaching: Working one on one with an Operation HOPE’s Small Business Coach will provide you with a comprehensive outline of what you will need to start or improve your business

Entrepreneurship training: The Entrepreneurship Training Program is a virtual 8 week program led by a Small Business Coach that is designed to equip participants with the necessary skills and mindset for launching new business ventures

Shopify: Shopify is an easy-to-use commerce platform that lets you start, grow, and manage a business. As a member of the 1MBB program, you are entitled to an extended 120 days of free access to Shopify.